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Re: Fw: NorthEast Radio Watch 8/28:

My point is that claiming all local owners are good and all big companies are 
bad is simplistic and incorrect.  In the past, I have worked for small, 
locally owned radio stations who treated their employees poorly and were 
mainly interested in reducing costs.  On the other hand, some of the larger 
radio companies, though they are of course in the business to make money, 
have good reputations as employers and provided wages and benefit packages 
that were never provided by small, local owners.

In either case, owners should obey the rules!

-- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine

In a message dated 9/2/00 10:56:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
terry_wood@prodigy.net writes:

<< Who would ever believe that giant corporations would never
 have a concern about their lowly employees, who BTW, seem to be nothing more
 then warts on their behind.  In case you haven't noticed most big radio
 corporations have gotten rid of the local DJs and are booming everything in
 over the bird.  amfm/clear channel, etc >>