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I believe everyone but Americans pronounces it ZED.  Canada does for
Andy Soule
Efax# 801-457-2555 - www.geocities.com/doctorradio
-----Original Message-----
From: John Bolduc <n1qgs@yahoo.com>
To: bri@bostonradio.org <bri@bostonradio.org>
Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 2:28 PM
Subject: ZEE ZED

>The mention of calls signs such as WBZ makes me think
>of the letter Z. In the US we pronounce that letter
>ZEE. However, I have a tape of ZBM Bermuda from about
>1981, where the Z is said ZED. Are there any examples
>of Canadian stations (perhaps in the Maritimes) that
>pronounce Z as ZED. (Or any other country with Z's)
>I can hear it now, Double-Ewe Bee Zed.
>Derry NH
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