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Re: d'Shaak (was: Arrow)

Regarding this little gimmick they're doing on Arrow.
I actually gave up my valuable time listening to the overnight 
classics on WMEA to tune in to it on my way into work at 2:30 this 
morning.  It's a half hour loop containing some nice sound bites 
from Jaws and its sequels....plus some godawful renditions 
Stairway to Heaven, with little splices hinting that it all begins at 6-
am Friday.  
Whoever came up with this masterpiece had to have been snorting 
something at the time...but its better than the countdown that 
occured when Arrow came into being a couple of years ago.
I'd run a tape Friday morning, but unfortunately Arrow goes away 
about the time you hit Exit 6 on the turnpike.  
I wonder what they'll come up with next.
