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Re: TalkAmerica story

10 or so years ago I "laughed" at Tom Star when he started the
Sumner-Callahan Radio Network out of East Boston, and shortly thereafter
moved to Cambridge with his sports operation. It wasn't until I relocated to
Tampa Bay for a year that I realized the power of satellite radio as his
product was picked up by a good size operation there.

Satellite delivered programs have been around now for some 20 years now as
it was 1981 or so that the RKO network ( now USA) started feeding overnight
and weekend programming and Larry King exploded on Mutual. It is even more
amazing when you consider that radio networks didn't even feed news
overnight until the mid 70's just how everything changed overnight.

Tom Star
> is right when he says that many stations much prefer to air syndicated
> shows-- the 12 million listeners is "potential", I am sure, since the
> network is not on in only big markets...