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Re: WSMN / Gene Burns

I can't speak for the "Health and Fitness Show," which I 
don't listen to, but I strongly disagree that the 7:00 
to 9:00 AM show is hideous. I think it's both 
entertaining and informative. Steve Weisman is a very 
good anchor and Bleidt and Kirschner seem to have come 
into their own under his tutelage.

As for Burns, when I catch his show, it's on the 
Internet reruns after 6:00 PM. From what I've heard, 
though, I think two hours of Burns are better than 24 
hours of WRKO or several days of Brudnoy--when the 
Bruins are NOT playing.

Bell is kind of uneven, but at his best, he can be very 

With Williams gone and Tai filling in, middays are quite 
weak. I think they should move Bell into Williams' slot 
for now and maybe try to move John McLaughlan 
(spelling?), from his weekend slot, to 4:00 to 6:00 on 
weekdays. Of course, for the rest of February, that slot 
is death. So few people can hear the station (except on 
the Web), that the host has to have a good lineup of 
guests or a long list of monologue topics, because 
nobody's going to call--even with a toll-free number.

For the most part, the weekend lineup is a pleasant 

WMEX may not make it, but it won't be because the over-
the-air product is wanting.

> Between this type of small market junk, Jerry's disappearing
> act, and the hideous morning lineup, chances are that WTKK, with all it's
> problems, will be around a lot longer than WMEX.
> Mike Thomas
> WXLO & Mediabase 24/7