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Re: WKOX from the WUNR site

On Sun, 6 Feb 2000, Martin J. Waters wrote:

>         This is sort of a rhetorical question, but, why would a local
> government have a problem with replacing existing towers with shorter ones?

Many people dislike towers. Opposition to such a project as you describe
might be fueled by knowledge that the broadcasters aren't proposing it to
beautify the neighborhood but with other, more sinister seeming
objectives in mind such as flooding it with "microwaves".

Zoning boards do not always behave rationally. 

> Hell, AM stations ought to get tax rebates for preserving open space. 

Not just AM's. There is a nice parcel of woodland in Needham teeming with
pheasants, deer, and other wild creatures that would be all condos today
were it not for WBZ-TV.

>         Everytime this comes up I think of how, IMO, it's bad public policy
> to have the federal law limiting local officials' ability to block cell
> phone towers but nothing similar for broadcasting.

What is this federal law? It's news to me.

Rob Landry