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Re: LPFM - Tech Question

Agreed, if you're in it for the $$$. But I assumed (darned assumptions)
that the most likely LPFM applicants would be either hobbyists (where even
minimal ad revenue would help defray costs); advocates of a particular
philosophy (ditto); community groups (ditto) or local religious groups
(again ditto, and a ton better than another translator). That would be a
different financial model, wouldn't it, than that applicable to a typical
commercial operator?

At 03:51 PM 1/21/00 -0500, Dib9@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 1/21/00 12:24:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
>djbroda@mindspring.com writes:
>Nice idea in theory, but it wouldn't work in practice.  There were dozens of 
>new full-power commercial stations licensed in the 1980's and the problem is 
>that there is not the advertising base to support them.  Look at all the new 
>stations granted to rural Maine in the 1980's.  Most are only still on the 
>air because the relaxation of licensing rules allowed for an owner to own 
>multiple stations in a market.

Douglas J. Broda
Broda and Burnett
Attorneys at Law
80 Ferry Street, Troy, NY 12180 USA
(518) 272-0580