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Re: Altering live TV pictures

Well said (though I'm a committed agnostic). But....

I read two books a week and always work with the boob tube on, so I think
that the two media aren't mutually exclusive... but the loss of reading is
a horrible trend. However, the one medium of reading that is growing is the
Internet -- which is both incredible resource and a place where the reader
must be even more discriminating and wary than in watching television.

IMO, the lesson should be that (1) issues matter; (2) get as many sources
as feasible on everything important; and (3) question all sources of
information -- and when it goes askew, make your voice heard. It's a much
more complex world of information than ever, which has huge potential up
and down sides.

At 08:23 AM 1/18/00 -0500, Bill O'Neill wrote:

>Agreed.  However, it becomes much more pallatable for the masses to
>accept or even overlook "liberties" taken by media, over time.  It
>seems that the less literate we become, the more we rely upon that
>thing that we observe more than we do our own children, or our God,
>that of the TV (and radio) world.  Couple that social shift with the
>reality that fewer corporations are owning those powerful message
>sources, and it IS scary.  So, where I agree that plagiarism, if or
>when it
>happens, is more egregious than blotting out the competition's logo
>yours, it increasingly becomes an argument over who is more pregnant.

Douglas J. Broda
Broda and Burnett
Attorneys at Law
80 Ferry Street, Troy, NY 12180 USA
(518) 272-0580