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Re: Press Herald attacks WCLZ format change

On 16 Jan 00, at 10:40, Chuck Igo wrote:

> the story, however, does point to a sad, growing trend in radio.  that
> the industry as a whole is slowly evolving into a business of "...hey,
> i could do that!".  and these individuals are sadly convinced that
> they can.

I think that was radio's trend in the early 90's, when a dozen or 
more radio stations were squeezed into every market through 
rimshots or start-ups.  Every new owner thought they had the key 
to success in the big city.  What happened instead is that stations 
compete for a 4 share in even the smallest cities.  

Now, with consolidation, it's not so much a case of "hey, I can do 
that," as "hey, I don't have to do that, because I own the 
