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Re: WPTR's signal?

On 14 Jan 00,  Kevin Vahey wrote:

> WPTR was one of the first stations I knew of that used cue tones on cart
> machines to trip the next cart......the overnight DJ used to work in a
> studio next to the transmitter, and my recollection is that the day
> shifters used another studio. But geeze in the mid to late 60's they were
> like a local in Boston, and it didn t go unnoticed by them.

When I was in high school in Bedford, in the late 50s, early 60s, I was 
surprised once to see a mention of it in the school paper.  Apparently, 
after WCOP flipped formats, WPTR was one of the stations that a lot of 
people listened to after 10 PM, when both WMEX and WBZ were doing talk.  
Since I had an FM radio at the time, I usually listened to WKBR.

I was, however, rather thrilled, back in 7th grade, only months after 
moving from the Albany area, to discover that I could get WPTR at night, 
and I listened often at that time.  I also remember listening to both WPTR 
and WGY from my dorm at UMass.

 A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                                 617.367.0468
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