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Re: Casco Bay Weekly story on radio

In a message dated 01/14/2000 12:41:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
steveord@wavewizard.com writes:

<< If the staffers at the Casco Bay Weakly know so much about broadcasting,
 why don't they buy up a group of stations and show the rest of us how it's
 done?  Maybe they could even make Allen Dammann group PD.  He seems to know
 so much more about what makes for good radio than anyone who works in the
 biz.   >>

actually, many of the CBW staff, especially and notably Al Diamon, are radio 
veterans.  Al was a first-rate radio newsguy, and did a fine job doing radio 
talk in the afternoons at WGAN until they showed him the door in favor of 
"bird feed". (i for one worked up a thirst during the friday beer-talk shows. 
 ;-)  )

- -Chuck Igo