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Re: Casco Bay Weekly story on radio

Everyone should read this article.  The b.s. that the radio management types 
quoted in the article are trying to sell is truly amazing.  I don't think 
Cary Pahagian really believes what he is saying.  Don't get me wrong: I don't 
object to what they are doing but they should be honest and admit they are 
doing what they are doing because they have determined that it is the best 
way to maximize profits.  There's nothing wrong with that.  It's actually 
what they are supposed to do for their shareholders.  Trying to sell the b.s. 
lines that Pahagian and company do in the article is reprehensible.  They 
make politicians and lawyers look good.  (Just a joke, most of my friends are 
politicians or lawyers.  ;-) )

That said: people need to get a life about the "death" of WCLZ.  WCLZ may 
have been different but it has not been a good radio station for several 
years.  Yes, they played local music and stuff you couldn't hear elsewhere 
but it has been a long time since it was a well run station.  Since 
Fuller-Jeffrey took over, the station wasn't even that different.  WCLZ was 
sick for a long time and has been brain dead and on life support since being 
moved to One City Center.  The plug was finally pulled.

-- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine