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In a message dated 1/13/00 12:36:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, Jibguy@aol.com 

<< WNTN has absolutely no assigned pre-sunrise authority, nor any post-sunset 
 authority.   The flea-power (a different type of authorization) that was 
 given them was somethnig like 2.2 watts which can be used for all 
 hours.   On a dog frequency such as 1550,  2.2 watts goes about 10 blocks at 
 night;  and that's what they found out in 1986 , and like WILD-1090  decided 
 it was never worth doing.    >>

Of course Bob you'll probably know this answer: Is that 2.2-watt 
authoriziation for a ND non-daytime operation? Would they be able to operate 
a DA at night if they ever were able to diplex from somewhere? This is a 
major imagination scenario, because I knew it would never happen, but I 
wonder why they couldn't share the towers of 1510 or 1600 (more likely 1600) 
even just at night since both are nearby in frequency and nearby in terms of 
distance from the 1550 site. (BTW, where exactly is WNTN located in Newton?)
