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Re: WPTR yet again

At 01:11 AM 1/12/00 -0500, A. Joseph Ross wrote:
>It gets even better.  This evening I heard a promo for a new morning show 
>on WPTR, to start next Monday, from 6 to 10 AM., with old-time WPTR 
>personality Boom-Boom Branigan.  I won't be able to listen to it from 
>here, but perhaps some of the Albany-area people on this list will tell us 
>about it.

I'll be listening.... I suspect it'll be something like he did at his last
stops (WABY, WMVI).

>They also had a promo in which their advertising director promoted 
>advertising on WPTR.  He said, "If you'd like to advertise on WPTR, give 
>me a call, and I'll come visit your business."  Wow!

Very smart. They're likely to be selling -- at least at first -- to local
businesses that sell within their demographics, and those are exactly the
kind that will probably respond to something like this. Plus it's not like
that promo cost anything. :)

The best promotion for this kind of station in this market may well be done
on the micro-level. I doubt they have remote capacity, but if they can
somehow get their name out at the myriad functions at legion halls and the
like (and we have lots of them), they could draw interest.

P.S. Talk about advertiser drought... I've watched a rather decent amount
of the new cable-only UPN station "The Edge," which is "brought to you by
Time Warner Cable and Clear Channel" and programmed at WXXA-23 (I'm a
Trekkie and my wife's a wrestling watcher). The ads so far are (a)
promoting Clear Channel properties; (b) promoting Time Warner Cable stuff;
and (c) Upstate Ford Dealers. Period. I realize it isn't exactly costing a
fortune to run (mostly UPN plus stuff WXXA was running in the early hours),
and that it's new, but that's not much. Not that the new WB-45 (owned by
Tribune and allegedly programmed in Boston) has many advertisers, either,
and it has to keep a TX up.

Douglas J. Broda
Broda and Burnett
Attorneys at Law
80 Ferry Street, Troy, NY 12180 USA
(518) 272-0580