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Re: WLLH-AM Lawrence transmitter off-air

On 11 Jan 00,  Dan Strassberg wrote:

> Bingo! Absolutely correct. Engineers have been fiddling with
> synchronization schemes for AM TXs since the 20s, when oscillator frequency
> stability was dreadful by the standards of even 20 years ago. 

How did they handle WBZ and WBZA?  I remember in the 1950s, when we drove 
between Albany and Boston, we sometimes had the car radio on to WBZ, and 
we never could tell where the WBZ signal left off and WBZA began.

I remember one time my mother insisted we must be listening to WBZ, not 
WBZA because the man on the radio said, "This is WBZ..."  I knew better, 
even then.

 A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                                 617.367.0468
 15 Court Square                             lawyer@world.std.com
 Boston, MA 02108-2503              http://world.std.com/~lawyer/