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Re: More on WPTR

I never would have expected gutsiness from Crawford, but I agree
wholeheartedly. It's growing on me. Whether a station this broad will draw
listeners or advertisers, who knows, as there is a substantial tune-out
risk, but it has a spot on my car radio locked up. (The spot was unused...
AM is bad enough here that not only were there were only five presets in
use, but one was for WFAN in NYC, the only AM I listen to much, and one was
for WGY, which I haven't listened to regularly in years and is really only
there out of nostalgia. (The others are for WTMM, WROW and WABY.)

And *I'd* like to see Jordan Marsh back. It's infuriating having two Macy's
in shopping centers a half-mile apart, which we have had since the merger.

At 01:04 AM 1/11/00 -0500, A. Joseph Ross wrote:
>So far, after listening last night and tonight, I rather like the variety 
>of songs they're playing.  I remember that last year when WPLM-FM launched 
>their Standards programming, their choice of songs and arrangements was so 
>narrow that it almost felt as though they were playing the same song over 
>and over.  They weren't, but it seemed as though they were, and it was 
>very dull.  But I don't feel that way with WPTR.  And they are playing a 
>lot of songs that bring back fond memories.   And the return of the WPTR 
>call letters is icing on the cake.
>No sooner does Scott publish his Rant about the sad state of radio, than 
>something really positive happens.
>Now if we could only get Macy's in Boston to change back to Jordan Marsh!
> A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                                 617.367.0468
> 15 Court Square                             lawyer@world.std.com
> Boston, MA 02108-2503              http://world.std.com/~lawyer/