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Thanks much, Scott. I didn't think to look that far down. :)

Wondering why it's taking Crawford so long to get 1540 back on? Was there
any kind of break on 990 in Rochester when they did the conversion from

P.S. Late note re Rant: The market may (and probably will) *eventually* get
radio back on track, someday... but in the meantime, it's the wasteland you
describe, missing out on the unique contributions radio can make far too
often while walking straight into competition from satellite receivers and
MP3/CDR. Just like much of the advertising market (targeting shrinking
demographics while tremendously undervaluing the 45-65 market), radio's
owners are using just the right strategies... for 1985 or 1990. What a
waste of frequencies, bandwith and potential profit.

I'm a relatively ardent capitalist... but that doesn't always mean that the
dominant market players are always as wise as they could be.

And digressing into a side issue I saw discussed, that being the level of
control over Canadian broadcasting, particularly CBC's dispute with the
CRTC: They aren't us. In the US, as much as I whine about the content out
there, I support most of the deregulation. (Exceptions: the ^&^$# religious
retransmitters, which isn't really a deregulation issue, and I'd allow
*slightly* less in the way of common ownership/market re radio.) In Canada,
though, they have this big entertainment gorilla to the South to deal with,
plus the people of Canada have chosen and widely support a less
capitalistic position re politics and life in general than we do. I'd say
that the good folks of the Great White North should make the political call
on the limits of regulation - which will inevitably be a compromise between
the CBC and CRTC positions -- and we should be interested observers.
(Disclaimer: I'm a Canada-phile. I bought DirectTV just so I could see a
cut-up version of CBC News and get Hockey Night In Canada.)

At 09:31 PM 1/9/00 -0500, Scott D Fybush wrote:
>Doug's 530 catch in Spanish?  Radio Vision Cristiana, "broadcasting
>from South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands" in the sunny Caribbean.
>It's the 50kw relay of WWRV/1330 NY.