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Re: Quick before it melts, take a look at the date on this:

> On 2 Jan 00,  Pete Ferrand wrote:
> > http://rutlandherald.nybor.com/

and A. Joseph Ross wrote:

> It must have melted already.  When I checked it just now, it said
> "January 3rd, 2000."

The problem doesn't seem to happen to Netscape browsers: at least not
to the version running out here.


For you fans of the time-standard radio station WWV (5/10/15 MHz
shortwave), WWV's announcer can also be heard over the net through 
the web site of the US Naval Observatory Master Clock: 
http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/what.html .

On Friday night, part of that site went prone to a Y2K defect,
displaying the old year on-screen as "1999" and the new year as
"19100".   Since then, however, 
http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/timer.pl has been fixed.  

Since the Vice President's house is within the grounds of the Naval
Observatory, no doubt we will find that Al Gore, that lil' ol' 
Inventor, ran over and corrected the Perl program himself.

Not holding my breath waiting for a confirmation ;-)
