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>This is changing the topic slightly here, but I would love to find out the
>answer (maybe our resident meterologist can answer this for us) to how often
>does the weather get correctly predicted around here, how it differs from the
>national percentage of accurate predictions, and how much more accurate
>meterologists are nowadays that computers play a major role in forecasts.

If my memory isn't too foggy, according to Dr. Mel Goldstein, the dean of 
area weathercasters in CT, in New England, if you predicted tomorrow's 
weather would be like today's, you would be right about 66 percent of the 
time.  BTW, Dr. Mel has just published, The Complete Idiot's Guide to 
Weather.  It is available at Amazon.com and other standard book outs.  All 
profits going to the Cancer Society. Lots of interesting tidbits in there.