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Re: Y2K Midnight Observations

In a message dated 1/1/00 10:02:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
kempp@bethel.k12.ct.us writes:

<< Now, where will all the "experts" be in the media?  >>

Nearly all the experts that I saw in the media predicted few problems in this 
country.  They did expect some problems overseas and did suggest preparation 
just in case but all spokesmen that I saw from government and industry were 
saying that things were going to be OK.  Not everyone wanted to believe them 
but that was what they were saying.  As it turns out, things went even better 
than expected which we should all be thankful for but that only happened due 
to lots of work by a great many people.  We should be happy about that and 
not assume that the whole things was hype.

-- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine