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Re: Local radio works...

In a message dated 12/18/99 2:17:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, billo@erols.com 

<<  Sort of brought it back
 what Marconi may have had in mind? >>

we'd all like to hope so, Bill.  it's unusual for any station to give up any 
amount of airtime for a worthy cause, let alone 9 hours.  and if i may echo 
the sentiments of Sean, you do us all proud by not only doing what you do, 
but caring about it at the same time.
    the local radio stations are, by and large, falling by the wayside to 
corporate ownership, as we all know, far too well.  nice to see that a local 
station can stay local, and truly help those to whom it was originally tasked 
to serve. no doubt the heartbreaking call from the local woman in need 
spurred those who may have been listening, but not hearing.
    good job, Mr. O., to you and your co-workers.

- -Chuck Igo