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WALE of a deal?

Havn't heard much from the list in a while on the topic of WALE
getting people to kick in $$ for an hour of talk hosting.  A friend of
mine (not a radio guy) gave me a call.  He was approached by "North
American Broadcasting" representing the opp. for him to host an hour
of talk for cash up front, he takes 100% of revenues up to his
investment then 50/50 thereafter, for a 13 wk. committment.  He says
they also work with KFNX Phoenix.  He's asking for my advise.  My
initial response was, "So who wants to be a millionaire?"  I hope he
took the hint.

For the dough they're apparantly asking (I'd rather not say) based
upon their (likely) horrendous rate card, it's upside down for my
friend, no?

Isn't WALE the station that went to 50 kW and is P*** in the wind over
the water?

Bill O'Neill