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Re: veto power?

Chuck Igo wrote:

> what nights does the WB run programming of their own?

They program three hours (7-10P) on Sundays and two hours (8P-10P)

> i do utilize UPN as a source of entertainment (fan of 7 Days and Voyager),
and can't say that i've ever seen a promo that indicates a WB network show.  do
they run the WB shows "later" after the UPN schedule??? <

UPN35 typically plugs in WB programs after UPN primetime or on nights when UPN
isn't on the air (Saturday and Sunday.)  Just about all of the WB schedule is
on tape delay; that way they can edit out WB-specific promos and transitional
elements.  They even superimpose the UPN35 bug over the WB network bug.

Take care,