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Re: Fwd: Re: W-H-RB on the Internet

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 rickganley@juno.com wrote:

> WCRB has a 2 plus share... by far a HUGE cume for a classical station
> these days. Sir, honestly, until you've A) owned & operated a station and
> been responsible for the bills or B) programmed a station in a
> competitive situation... you can not fully appreciate what it means to
> have the audience share that WCRB does. 

Thank you.

Incidentally, the "top 40" idea was originally conceived as a way to
generate traffic for participating sponsors. A prospective "voter" had to
visit a participating sponsor and request an official ballot. This was
probably the best idea for a promotion ever to come out of the Old Regime;
unfortunately, it has been beaten to death. The first "top 40" drew over
ten thousand participants; the most recent one drew less than a thousand.

Rob Landry, speaking for himself and not for his employer