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RE: boston-radio-interest-digest V3 #547

De-Lurk Mode On,

Well it depends on what they are doing and how much influence we engineers
have over the process.  For the most part, we go through a lot of 1/4 inch
tape on both the news and cultural programming floors.  Standard on cultural
floor is 15 ips ampex 406 with Dolby SR Noise reduction, unless it was
produced in Sonic Solutions.  In which case playback would be from DAT or
CD.  They also have a device called a Short Cut which is sort of the digital
equivalent to an Otari 50/50 which we use for such things as Rollovers.

On the news floor digital is slowly replacing 406 tape @ 7.5 ips with no
noise reduction.  We are using a system called Dalet.  It uses 4:1
compression but any day we should be receiving the linear servers.  This is
a system in use at the CBC BBC and some other radio networks.  We were
having some problems with it in the beginning because they changed from a
Novell network to NT when they went to us.  Since then we've had some good
success with it for production.  Newscast is using it exclusively, Morning
Edition and Weekend Edition Sunday are using it for a majority of their

For archival purposes, 1/4 in. Ampex 499 and we just started burning CDs.
For the news rollovers we use DAT with a time code chase offset and 1/4in.
406.  Finally for our outside streams for things like NPR World Wide and the
upcoming CD Radio venture we use Audio Vault.

I hope that answers your questions.



Patrick Murray
Technical Director
Weekend Edition Saturday/Sunday
News Operations
National Public Radio
Washington D.C.

De-Lurk Mode Off.

boston-radio-interest-digest Thursday, November 4 1999 Volume 03 : Number

Much Deleted.....

Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 17:19:38 -0500 (EST)
From: Scott Saloway <saloway@bu.edu>
Subject: NPR production....

Well, I realize it's a little off topic, and I know I should know this, 

Does anyone know off the top of their heads what kind of system NPR uses
for on-air playback? Are they all-digital or do they still use tape? 

Patrick Murray, I know you're lurking out there somewhere.....

- --Scott--

* Scott J. Saloway                   **
* Production Assistant               **        Life is Hard....
* WBUR Radio, Boston                 **        Radio is Easy....
* saloway@bu.edu                     **
* I do not represent Boston University or any other entity.
* My opinions are mine and mine alone.

More Deleted........