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WCCM ( was: Re: JudiWorld Defined)

At 2:47 PM -0500 11/3/99, Bill Piacentini wrote:
>TalkAmerica2 now has a bio on Judi Paparelli, heard 9PM to Midnight EST M-F,
>Among other things, "She developed a new traffic reporting system broadcast
>jointly by WBZ-TV and KISS-108, an interactive system using graphics and
>traffic forecasting that is widely used." I wonder what her forecast is for
>traffic tomorrow?!!

This reminds me that I've been meaning to post that she (and Talkamerica in
general) seem to no longer be broadcast on WCCM.  As best I can tell, the
station has gone full time MOYL (but I never am able to listen in the

Larry Weil
Lake Wobegone, NH