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Interesting Cable Channels in Norfolk VA

I was on vacation in Norfolk VA last week.I found a couple of interesting
channels on the cable TV system there(Cox Communications).One channel is
called LNC(Local News Channel) which shows continuous rebroadcasts of
WVEC-TV(Ch.13) newscasts.Example:They have a 5-7AM newscast.At 7AM,the LNC
channel is showing the 6:30 AM portion of that newscast.At 7:30,they start
over with showing the 5AM portion of the newscast.They keep showing this
5-7AM broadcast till 12:30PM,when they start showing the Noon news,that
will keep running till 5:30PM,when they start showing the 5PM,and so
on.Also,the have the Local Weather Channel(LWC) which shows the latest
National Weather Service local forcasts along with
temps/conditions/tides,etc 24/7.

Also,at :25 and :55 past the hour,the CNN Headline News channel there
carries a local news headline update(about 3 min.in length) produced by

Just curious if anyone knows of any other cable systems have similar
channels that rebroadcast local news or have local news drop-ins to CNN
Headline News.

Mark Watson
