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Re: Musical taste shrinkage (Was Re: 93.7 deleted from my car preset)

At 12:28 AM 4/10/99 -0400, Martin J. Waters wrote:

>Maybe a significant number of people on
>this list, and people in the radio business generally, like to listen to a
>relative wide range of music and actually are interested in what's new
>today in rock and pop music.

I'll agree we who are into this radio stuff (as long-time listeners and
history buffs like me or as pros like many here) are a lot more eclectic
than the average listener.

 >Although a lot of the dial-twisting is done
>for professional reasons, not necessarily for music that suits a person's
>personal taste. And based on (1.) what seems to succeed in radio today; and
>(2.) the actual people I know in my actual life, the answer is that most
>people like to listen to a very narrow range of music.

Again, I'll agree -- but I wonder what "range" is best defined as....

>        For most 30- and 40- and 50-somethings, that seems to be whatever
>they listened to in their 20s.

Bingo, but what I and most of my peers listened to then was exactly what
I'm advocating -- yet you won't find anyone playing what WABC played in
1967, and rarely find a dupe of what they played in '77, either. IOW,
oldies-focused stations today play a narrowed subset of what we listened to

I'm not asking for a broader range of music than what was on the radio
then... just something that isn't a lot narrower. :)
