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Re: Union rules affect talk show

Bob writes:  I suppose
>Virgin Boy or Sandy could join Howie's union to
>get around it, but the nature of the business
>probably wouldn't allow it (they're not technically
>on-air talent, they're behind-the-scenes workers,
>Any comments?

If they were to join, I'd assume AFTRA would expect the contract to
provide for a booth rate (or a negot. rate in the schedule).  The notion
of "decertifying" the union so as to allow for low wage earners to
proliferate the mix and provide for high wage earners more successful?
Stranger things have happened.  Carr, and most other union detractors,
can accurately argue that their personal service contracts override
union rates.  Those not in a position to negotiate contracts are the
beneficiaries of a closed shop.

I'd be curious as to the presence or absence of wage parity among
grouped stations, some of which are union and the booth next door,
non-union.  Any AFTRA run-downs re: rates?

Bill O'Neill
