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Re: Browne vs. Schlessinger (Was Re: WTSN is slipping away)

>>Roger Kirk wrote:
>>> My NH correspondent notes:
>>> WTSN (1270 Dover) is running Dr. Joy Browne
>>> So we are up to our ears in insult-based therapy
>>> (we also have Dr. Laura on WGIN at the same
>>> time)

Dr. Joy Brown is not *anything* like Dr. Laura.

While I don't frequent the 'shrink shows'....I don't think I have ever heard
Dr. Joy Brown refer to a caller disrespectfully....or fling an offhand

I believe Dr. Joy Brown is a REAL therapist...not a Dr. of "Physiology" (The
right bone's connected to the left bone....)....as with Dr. Laura.

Dr. Joy Brown is a 'radio shrink' of the old school, a kinder gentler
host....which is probably why she has not gotten much attention as Dr.
Laura.  Sad, huh?

I would suggest you give Dr. Joy Brown a listen...and then make up your
mind.  (For those a little south of WTSN, WCAP in Lowell carries her show
late mornings.)

BTW...Dr. Joy Brown has Boston roots!  I remember her on WITS...before she
went to the West Coast...and then ended up in NY on the WOR network.

