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Re: Network vs. Local (was: The Chicks,etc)

> i beg to differ: when leykis was on 10-2pm on wrko, he did a great
> in an
> intelligent and often rare, left of center point of view. we also
can't forget
> that leykis beat limboob in his time slot in his first book! 

And if we repeat a lie often enough...it will be true, right?

In the hours that Limbaugh and Leykis went "head-to-head"...(I believe
it was only 2 hours that they overlapped!)...Limbaugh beat leykis both
12+ and 25-54.  

The "10-3" daypart that may have been printed in the paper included the
2-3 hour in wich Jerry Williams was on against Limbaugh....(Williams
beat Limbaughs (lack-luster) 3rd hour.).

....it also included the 10-12 hours in which WHDH was running the
poorly performing "Money Experts" program...again, which RKO beat.  

But again for the two hours that Leykis and Limbaugh were going at it
head to head...Limbaugh always beat Leykis 12-1 and 1-2 (both 12+ and 25
- -54)
