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Re: Reports of Joltin' Joe's demise were greatly exagerrated...

On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Joseph Gallant wrote:

> For some reason, a "crawl" that was probably stored in a graphics
> machine at "30 Rock" for a few months was accidentally sent out
> over the air at around 7:30, annoucning that Joe DiMaggio was dead.
> The crawl was killed just as it read "The cause of death was...".

  These kind of goofs bother me.....

  The crawl may have come from the studio that Dateline was being fed from
or it was added by news.

   I hope it was the former, as then BOC (NBC Broadcast Operations) could
simply say the error was made in Studio xx, if it is the latter, that
means that somebody had to order the crawl on the air. 

In any event there is no excuse for this to happen. This is what PREVIEW
monitors are for......
