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At 01:23 AM 1/13/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Beverly Beckham's column in today's Boston Herald
>seems like an ad of sorts for the new WPLM. We'll
>have to see how they do in the ratings, but if
>many other listeners rave about them like she does,
>they have nothing to worry about.
According to M Street Journal, WPLM's format caters to an over-45 audience
(not a good sign, I'd say) and is similar to the new format on KNKI in the
Dallas-Ft Worth market. That makes me curious about KNKI. Are the calls left
over from some much younger skewing format? KNKI-->Kinky? Is KNKI a _real_
Dallas (or Ft Worth) signal? That market (apparently referred to as "the
Metroplex" by the locals) has been plagued by a series of FM move-ins (and
even one AM move in of a station from Wichta Falls that is now leased to or
owned by Radio Disney). Supposedly, there is now an FM on every second
channel that purports to serve the Metroplex, but in nearly all cases, the
move-ins are rimshots that reach no more than 50% of the market--and often
much less. Is KNKI a solid signal in the Metroplex or is it a rimshot like
WPLM? I've often thought that WPLM could use the slogan "a rimshot to
everywhere in southeastern New England." How long has KNKI been running its
adult-oriented SAC format? Has it been doing the format long enough to be
picked up in any Arbitron books? How did it do? Was WPLM consulted by the
same outfit that consulted KNKI? Inquiring minds want to know.
As for Ron Della Chiesa, I've been trying to check out reports that he is
somehow related to Channel 5's Rhondella Richardson. There have been
repeated--even heated--denials, but the rumor persists.
- -------------------------------
Dan Strassberg (Note: Address is CASE SENSITIVE!)
ALL _LOWER_ CASE!!!--> dan.strassberg@worldnet.att.net
(617) 558-4205; Fax (617) 928-4205