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Re: Bruce Bradley

In a message dated 11/25/98 6:49:15 PM Central Standard Time,
ecochran@capecod.net writes:

<< I've been saddened all day after reading the posts regarding Bruce Bradley.
 He was always one of my mentors, and I was always one of his biggest fans.
 Although I'm sure what's been said about his persona is true, but I prefer
 to remember the Bruce Bradley I met one night at Paragon Park. >>

I agree,

WBZ and "Juicy Brucey" used to be at Revere Beach. They did all of their
commercials on vinyl back then, from their 'sun-deck" studio. I used to get
most of them and still have a few.

Used to sit and talk with him at the NBC commissary when he was with WYNY (on
the 8th floor). He wasn't a happy man then, but talking about the days at WBZ,
usually brought him around. 

Always wondered why they moved from Revere Beach to Nantasket Beach. Bruce
told me that one night a group of teenagers started rocking the trailer and
almost flipped it. It was moved the next day. 

