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Glenn/Cronkite interview....

>As Walter Cronkite (Journalist) Said Last Wednesday At The
>Conclusion Of His Interview Of John Glenn (Astronaut) On The
>CBS Radio Network (Still Functioning, I Understand), " . . .
>And That's The Way It Is . . . ")

Did anyone else hear Walter Cronkite's interview with John Glen?  

I was driving around in the car and heard it on WBZ.  While most of it
was 'fluff'...I was drawn in with the idea that here *I* was driving
down the road...listening to a conversation with a guy rocketing around
the earth in space....

At one point Glenn said, "Lemme look out and figure out where we are....
..right now we're over Baja California...!"  

Pretty cool stuff to me!  The fact that it was live.....network fed...
and Walter's congenial style added to it all.  

Brought me back to those days of Apollo...when we would all watch the
stuff on TV in school....and listening to the communications between
Mission Control and the individual astronauts.  

As an aside....  The space conversations I remember as a kid...we much
more formal....and everything I heard this time was a little more
converstaional.....as well as the joking with Jay Leno.  

Yes it was a big PR effort....but it worked on me and I felt myself
drawn in....

For those that didn't catch the Jay Leno interview...He asked them what
they could see on earth from orbit....and they replied, mostly lakes
rivers, etc...and someone of the crew chimed in and said "Jay Leno's
to which he said "Hey, hey, heeyyyyy..." in his Leno-esque style....

