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Re: WOWO Update (11/3/98)

>Next, some "minority" station on 1030 kHz will want a slice of WBZ's signal.
>I just don't get it.  [...]

It's pretty clear that you don't...  The only color that mattered in this
deal was green.  The WLIB folks bought WOWO fair and square, cut the power
and sold it to someone else.  It's called free enterprise - remember that?
It had nothing to do with "quotas", "reverse discrimination", or any of
the other code words for the same-old racism.  If you want to find a
scapegoat to blame, try the old owners of WOWO who sold to WLIB in the
first place.

Of course the same thing isn't going to happen to 'BZ (or WCBS or KDKA for
that matter), because CBS isn't likely to sell their 50kW blowtorches anytime
soon.  (But in this business, perhaps it's better to never say never...)

- -Shawn Mamros
E-mail to: mamros@mit.edu
