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Early Bob Smith Show

I've just recieved, from someone on the old-time-radio list, a tape of a
half-hour's worth of the Bob Smith Show, from 25 August 1947, on WNBC, New
York.  This is the same Bob Smith who later became known as Buffalo Bob.
It starts out with him interviewing Donald Duck (or at least the guy who
did his voice) with regard to a new show in which Duck was starring that
was about to open.  

It then contains some records, songs sung by Bob Smith himself, while
accompanying himself on the piano, weather reports, baseball scores, and a
WNBC ID.  It also contains one or two of the "segues" that were Bob
Smith's trademark at the time.  He would start singing and playing the
piano and, with some careful engineering, this would blend right into a
record.  In one of the songs he did on this tape, he also blends the
record back into his piano playing.

One of the things that surprised me was how leasurely the pacing was.  I
guess even New York ran more slowly in those days.  

 A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                                         617.367.0468
 15 Court Square                                      lawyer@world.std.com
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