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Re: Capstar Strikes Again

Shawn, you mean you wouldn't vote for a politician that would tell big
corporate lobbyists that people and localities come before corporate
profits?  Shame Shame Shame!
- -----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Mamros <mamros@MIT.EDU>
To: Terrence M. Wood <terry_wood@prodigy.net>
Cc: boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org
Date: Saturday, August 01, 1998 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: Capstar Strikes Again

>>This strikes me that it is time for Congress to revisit the Communications
>>act and provide that LOCAL be put back into Broadcasting.  These big
>>conglomerates will decimate broadcasting as we know it today.   It is time
>>to bring down the curtain on this experiment in big business owning
>>in every market and especially in the seacoast of NH, where Capstar is the
>>majority owner of all but 4 stations in the market.
>And pray tell, what do you think the big broadcasting companies would do
>if such a measure were to come into being?  Sit on their heels and cry
>into their hankies?  Fat chance.  They'd be out lobbying against it the
>minute it hit the floor of Congress.  And if it were somehow to pass
>Congress, they'd be challenging the measure in the courts the very second
>the President dotted his i's and crossed his t's.  Any company worth its
>salt would do that.  It's called protecting one's investment.
>And any politician who would seriously talk about doing such a thing
>clearly has their head buried far too deep in the sand to ever earn my
>vote, IMO.
>Once you let the genie out of the bottle, you can't put it back in.
>-Shawn Mamros
>E-mail to: mamros@mit.edu
