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Re: Buffalo Bob Smith - RIP

Bob P. wrote--
>7/30/98, 5:15 PM -
> WJZ-TV/13, Baltimore, CBS O&O, reported a short time ago that "Buffalo
>Bob" Smith, who hosted the Howdy Doody Show on NBC-TV from Dec.1947 to
>Sept.1960, died of cancer, in North Carolina. He was 80.

This has to have been very sudden--  I saw him at a nostalgia show a few
months ago and he looked great.  He spoke, signed autographs, let people
take his picture-- the lines were around the block.  And what was really
bizarre was that unlike some of the older people I know, his voice was
STILL the same as when he was on TV when I was a kid-- if you closed your
eyes and forgot the grey hair, you could swear it was the 50s and it was
Howdy Doody Time.  Rest in peace, Buffalo Bob...  (And btw, he had some
very close ties with radio, as people on this list know.  He even owned
several stations in Maine...)  
