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Re: CBS News

>There was no mention of the above on the TV special.  OK, I know they
>just wanted to talk about 50 years of TELEVISION news but even then they
>did a pretty lame job of it.
...there WAS one mention of radio...when host Charles Osgood
>closed the program with "I'll see you on the radio."

It became quite evident (at about 15 minutes in when I halted my VCR) that
this show was sold months ago, familiar footage was racked up, Osgood was
brushed off to bang out a dozen drops and, voila....  One redeeming piece
was 60 Minutes reporters (and others') moving reflections on covering
Vietnam, Tet Offensive, &c.  I, too, was eager to witness CBS TV news as it
was.  Question:  Would a full newscast of yore, complete with old spots
(cleared) plus new (sold) make for any numbers?  Perhaps an A&E event, etc.?

Bill O'Neill
