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Re: WTRY AM/FM reception and notes

- --WebTV-Mail-920655208-8552
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Bill,the stations I work for does indeed hire some part-timers-but that
is usually the choice of the jock-who can spend 2 hours in the
station,and go out and do something else,like another job that pays a
lot better in my case. Some part-timers are that way by choice,doing
radio for the love of it. Most of the airstaff are full-time
(w/benefits)-they just aren't stuck in a studio for 4-6 hours...I would
agree however,that type of operation lends itself to abuse by greedy
owners/managers,but I must say my employers are not in that category.
They even pay for time spent cutting spots :)


- --WebTV-Mail-920655208-8552
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