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East is east and west is west and the wrong one I have chose..

Yesterday, I wrote:

1. 890 must protect WLS at night. The Medford site is too far east. There
would be no coverage east of Wellington Circle.

I couldn't resist correcting myself by paraphrasing Cole Porter (Buttons and
Bows), at least I _think_ it's Cole Porter. If Steve Low is lurking, maybe
he can verify--and furnish the name of the show in which the song appeared.

Of course, I meant that there would be no coverage _west_ of Wellington
Circle. And, of course, that's a bit of an exaggeration. With cooperation
from WLS, you could probably pick up WBPS all the way to East Arlington
(about a mile).

- -------------------------------
Dan Strassberg (Note: Address is CASE SENSITIVE!)
ALL _LOWER_ CASE!!!--> dan.strassberg@worldnet.att.net
(617) 558-4205; Fax (617) 928-4205
