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WSRO sold

Alexander Langer, who already owns largely brokered/satellite-talk WRPT 650
Ashland and WJLT 1060 Natick (which he leases to Christian broadcaster Great
Commission Broadcasting), is buying AC WSRO 1470 Marlboro from Doug Rowe for
an unspecified amount. With Salem's pending purchase of WBPS and Fairbanks'
leasing of WKOX to Spanish broadcasters (and to Great Commission overnight),
the MetroWest radio picture looks rather sorry.

Although Great Commission does an outstanding job--if you're into Christian
radio--and some people have commented that WRPT is doing a good job (listen
closely--unless you're an extreme right winger, you may reconsider; the
satellite stuff all has a STRONG right-wing bias), I expect that one of two
things to happen. Either Langer will move the programming from WRPT to WSRO
and lease WRPT as he does WJLT, or he will simply lease WSRO.

Whereas Great commission proves that you don't have to own the station to do
a good job of programming it, what are the odds that Langer can find another
lessee that will do an equally good job? And MetroWest will be even worse
than Worcester as far as diversity of opinion. Between the evangelical
Christians and the ulta-right satellite droppings, the area will lack a
radio outlet for the expression of centerist, secular opinions, which, in
Eastern Mass, are really mainstream opinions.

The right wingers keep crying about liberal-leftist media control. Umm,
don't look now, but methinks they protest way too much! Look who controls
radio locally. And the situation in MetroWest is FAR from unique. In fact,
it's typical of the situation throughout the country.

- -------------------------------
Dan Strassberg (Note: Address is CASE SENSITIVE!)
ALL _LOWER_ CASE!!!--> dan.strassberg@worldnet.att.net
(617) 558-4205; Fax (617) 928-4205
