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Re: Programming: satellite vs local

> Most want something that sounds halfway professional, not some deejay
> dropout stumbling thru a newscast mispronouncing half the names
> or doing a music show where every break consists of "that was ..., now
> here's ...". One rightly assumes that by the time you reach a top 50
> you've reasonably mastered your craft. 
It would appear that the biz has left alot of talent by the wayside, with
those remaining hanging on for dear life, popping out new call letters with
the change of seasons.  Now with ownership links, the same voices are all
over the place, in some cases now, a growing trend, no doubt.  As for your
observation above, precisely, sadly, the reason for using new technologies
a.k.a. automation or semi-auto -- why keep the PDs up all night with pillow
speakers worrying about the live jock when you can jock tapes or let the
bird take over?  Bottom line, broadcaster/owners figured out what we
already know, most listeners simply don't know nor care what goes on behind
the scenes.  "Live or Memorex?"  Only the custodian knows for sure...and
he's also the news director.
