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Re: Most significant Historical moments

Joe Ross (responding to Bump) wrote: 
>Joe McCarthy's hearings had nothing to do with the blacklist.  They had to
>do with allegations that he had used his position to seek special
>treatment for an aide who had been drafted into the army.  That's why
>they're called the "Army-McCarthy Hearings."  Although it wasn't clear at

Bump may have referred to the era of McCarthyism wherein the House
UnAmerican Activities Committee, in which McCarthy took an active part,
called a large number of citizens in and accused them of all sorts of
things.  Some of this is available to us on video now, in a tribute to
Edward R. Murrow, a boxed set put out about two years ago, which includes 4
episodes of "See It Now"-- you can watch as McCarthy badgers totally
innocent people and makes wild accusations that they are secret traitors and
commies.  You can also watch as he goes on TV and it does to him what it did
later to Nixon... he self-destructs before your eyes... One comes away
really impressed with the courage of Edward R. Murrow in challenging
McCarthy... and it gives us an interesting example of early news coverage on
what was still a fairly new medium (this was 1954, and the FCC had had a
freeze on TV licenses till 1952...).  
