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RE: WORL (was 1957 airstaffs)

At 06:16 PM 4/22/97 +0000, you wrote:

>New owners finally took over several years
>later (1951, I believe), but the WORL calls were gone by then... the new
>owners tried to get as close to the former calls as they could, because many
>people had fond memories of the station even then, and were still upset at
>its having been taken off the air.
No, Donna, that can't be right (no pun intended--WRYT spells right). When I
came to Boston in May 1952, the station absolutely WAS WORL. Those calls
were the same as the station had had before it went dark. I also believe
that WORL had returned to the air long before 1951--probably 1948 or 1949.
I'm not sure why the change to WRYT. I seem to recall that the call-sign
change DID coincide with the switch to a partially religious format.

BTW, the recitation of the Rosary daily at 6:15 AM was a feature of the
basically secular WORL from the time I arrived in Boston. Smart move to have
the Rosary. Gregg Finn's morning show picked up a hell of an audience
(sorry; I couldn't help myself) from the Rosary every morning. Also, in
those days, Class III daytimers could sign on at full power beginning at
4:00 local _standard_ time year round. So when WORL signed on at 6:00 AM, it
always did so at full power.

I don't know whether Carter owned the station when it became WRYT, but after
the station was WRYT for a relatively short time, management (might have
been different management by this time) wanted the WORL calls back. THEN, it
was too late. The calls were gone to an AM in the Orlando FL market, where
they remain. So the Boston station picked up the closest calls it could
get--WROL. I think the last stop these calls had made before arriving in
Boston was on the AM 620 in Knoxville TN.

- -------------------------------
Dan Strassberg (Note: Address is CASE SENSITIVE!)
ALL _LOWER_ CASE!!!--> dan.strassberg@worldnet.att.net
(617) 558-4205; Fax (617) 928-4205
