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RE: Boston Globe

Kevin Goodwin wrote:

>heres one from the stupid file or duh file whatever you want to call it.
>In today's Boston Globe, Globe staffer Susan Bickelhaupt reported that   
>WJLT signed on the air JLT monday and RPT tuesday of this month. These
>needed to on the air by February 9th and they were. Where has   
Bickelhaupt been
>hiding the last two months these stations have been on the air? Under a   
>or something. Will somebody please tell me.

I'm neither a supporter nor a detractor of Susan Bickelhaupt (SB), but   
many stones are cast her way on a frequent basis.  In no particular   
order, is it possible that MAYBE:

1. Globe Management just doesn't care about Radio/TV - just a filler, if   
you will?
2. SB doesn't really enjoy her B'cast assignments i.e. a perfunctory   
3. SB has many other duties/responsibilities and Broadcast Reporting has   
a very, very low priority?
4. SB's reporting accuracy is neither better nor worse than the rest of   
the Globe's reporting, and the real problem is we're just more sensitive   
to errors in our chosen area of minutiae?
5. Accuracy in reporting Radio/TV stuff is considered unnecessary by   
Globe Management?
6. The public accepts the Globe's poor performance and simply doesn't   
rely on Radio/TV articles/info at all.
7. SB's sources are very unreliable.
8. SB has no Broadcast background and cannot, therefore, appreciate the   
subtleties that we are awash in.

Comments are welcome.

Roger Kirk a.k.a. The Wizard Of Music


End of boston-radio-interest-digest V1 #17