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RE: best announcer

Donna Halper Wrote:

>In your opinion, who is/was the best radio announcer you ever heard?   
>made him (or her) so good?  Is there anyone around today that impresses   

What a loaded question!  The answer depends on one's point of view and   
the definition of "Announcer"

As a listener (not as an industry person) and based on announcing alone,   
I give my vote to:

Sports: Curt Gowdy (for me, THE Sports Announcer voice: Raspy / cuts thru   
News: John Masters (The Voice).
DJ only: Carl Desuze - Jes' plain entertainin'

DJ & Show Content: Joey Reynolds.  Outrageous and entertaining.  Growing   
up in Maine, couldn't wait for sundown, so we could tune 'KB' in Buffalo.   
His and Danny Neverith's show crossover was always good for a laugh.

As an industry person:
Frank Kingston Smith:  Master of (script) preparation.  Meticulous   
mark-up.  After all the prep, one take and done - done right.

Dale Dorman: King of the impossibly-tight talkup while being entertaining   
and clever at the same time.  He once hit the post even as somebody   
unexpectedly poured water in his shoe.  Uncanny ability.

Quoting permission granted.

Roger Kirk a.k.a. The Wizard Of Music
