
Bob DeMattia bob.bosra@demattia.net
Thu Jun 2 11:22:41 EDT 2011

> Why couldn't a licensed broadcaster sell a transmitter on eBay to another
> licensed broadcaster?  Happens all the time, I'm sure.  For that matter,
> is possession of a high-power transmitter without a license for same
> actually illegal if it isn't being used?

You are correct, as far as the law is concerned, there's nothing wrong
with someone selling an FM transmitter to someone else.  It's also
not illegal to possess such a device.  It is only illegal to use it without
a license.

However, eBay has its own rules about what can and can't be sold
in the service.  Specifically about FM transmitters they say:

*Low-power radio transmitting devices and related equipment: *The FCC
restricts how powerful these items can be. FM transmitters are limited to an
effective range of approximately 35-100 feet (11-30 meters). AM transmitters
are limited to an effective range of approximately 200-250 feet (61-76
meters). Sellers can't list devices that claim or suggest they have a larger

eBay, a private company, can restrict what's on their site and doesn't
really need to have
a reason.  They have a whole list of things you can't sell here:


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