MJX - BZFM swap

Scott Fybush scott@fybush.com
Fri Nov 10 17:11:10 EST 2017

iHeart couldn't take BZ-FM and stay under the ownership or revenue caps,
so it had to go in a separate deal. Beasley wanted it badly (and why not -
it brings in a male demo they're lacking), but that meant something had to
go to keep Beasley at 5 FMs. I am hearing Entercom drove a hard deal...
they knew MJX was the prize from the Beasley cluster and insisted that be
the other end of the trade.  Or so the rumor mill says...

On Nov 10, 2017 1:17 PM, "Bob DeMattia" <bob.bosra@demattia.net> wrote:

> Let's see if I can rouse the speculators by reposting as a new thread...
> I get the CBS-Entercom / iHeart swaps - but what is the point of the
> Beasley/iHeart swap.
> Both companies end up with the same number of Boston FMs, though iHeart
> gets $12M in cash.
> Is the cash the only motivation?  'MJX and BZ-FM have similar coverage
> areas, and MJX
> still beats BZFM in the ratings, even during Patriot's season.  So what
> makes BZFM worth $12M
> more?
> -Bob

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